



具有仁波且、法 師或阿闍黎身份者,可負責聞法上師資格考試的監考、閱卷及審批。在舉行了聞法上師考試以後,請將通過考試批准的聞法上師名單向國際佛教僧尼總會網絡申報(網絡連結將於近日發給各主考者)。

請 主考者向總會資料組查詢其監考編碼(,以便告知您所負責監考及審批通過的新聞法上師。


2012年新考取聞法上師資格者,請向主考的仁波且、法師或阿闍黎取得主考者監考編碼,自行向總會網路申報系統( 填 寫詳細資料,以便總會頒發聞法上師證書和袍裝。


若於2012年剛取得阿闍黎身份者,但尚未領取到證書及袍裝,在為行人舉行聞法上師考試時,請出示您向國際佛教僧尼總會於 網路申報阿闍黎身份並已取得該資格的確認單,以茲證明您已取得阿闍黎身份,可以為行人們舉行聞法上師資格考試。

Instructions for Online Registration:


To the Examiners:

All Acaryas, Rinpoches or Dharma Masters have the qualification to conduct, monitor, and evaluate the exam of the Master of Dharma-Listening Sessions (MDLS).  After the exam is completed, please submit the list of the MDLS who have passed the exam to the Association (the link for list submission will be sent to the examiners soon).

Every Examiner has an Examiner Number. To get your Examiner Number, please send the request to Please provide your Examiner Number to the new MDLS as they will need it to register online.

To the new Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions:

If you have passed the exam of MDLS in 2012, you may proceed to online registration at to turn in your pertinent personal information.  Please request the Examiner Number from the Rinpoche, Dharma Master or Acarya who has conducted the exam for you because the Examiner Number will be required upon your registration.  After the registration, the association will confer the MDLS certificates and robes.

To the new Acaryas:

If you have obtained the title of Acarya in 2012 and have not yet received your certificate and robe, please print out the confirmation letter of your new Acarya title, which you will receive/have received in your email from International Buddhism Sangha Association. The confirmation letter should be displayed at the exam as a proof of your qualification as an Examiner.

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