Maitreya Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly 彌勒菩薩聖誕禮懺法會


Maitreya Bodhisattva Dharma Assembly


Maitreya Bodhisattva will attain Buddhahood in this Saha world to become, after Sakyamuni Buddha, the fifth Buddha in the era of the Bhadra Kalpa and, thus, has been respectfully referred to as “Maitreya Buddha”. He is portrayed as generous, open-minded, and benevolent with a bright smile. Therefore, people also refer him as the “Happy Buddha”.


To celebrate the holy birthday of Maitreya Bodhisattva, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Hua Zang Si, and Sanger Mission will jointly hold a Dharma Assembly to chant The Precious Litany of 88 Grand-Name Buddhas on Sunday, February3, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. The monastics will lead the attendees in a ritual to pay reverence and make repentance to the Buddhas. The Beseeching Blessings Lamps will be lit and offerings will be made before the Buddhas. The merit accrued from the dharma assembly will be dedicated to increasing the good fortune and wisdom and eradicating the karmic hindrances and disasters of all living beings. We will also pray for world peace, the safety of our country and happiness of our people. Everyone is cordially invited to join us and receive benefits from this event!







彌勒菩薩聖誕即將來臨。聯合國際世界佛教總部(U.I.W.B.A.H.)、華藏寺(Hua Zang Si)及聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)將於201323(星期日)上午930,在舊金山華藏寺大雄寶殿聯合啟建《八十八佛洪名寶懺》法會。屆時將帶領大眾禮佛拜懺,並將於大殿内設光明燈供佛,舉行佛前大供。祈望以此功德為眾生祈福增慧,懺除業障,消災免難,祝禱世界和平,國泰民安。歡迎十方善信踴躍參與,共霑法益!


Date 日期: 2/3/2012 (星期日) 9:30A.M.
Location 地點: Hua Zang Si 華藏寺
3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Contact Number 聯繫電話: 415- 920 9816
Website 網站:
Email 電子信箱:

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Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly 阿彌陀佛聖誕法會.

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Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly

Amitabha Buddha of the western direction is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas. He is a disciple of the primordial Dorje Chang Buddha. When He was a practitioner during past lives, He made 48 great vows. After He became a Buddha, He created a magnificent Buddhist pure land, which is called The Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Amitabha Buddha is the founder of Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.


To celebrate the holy birthday of Amitabha Buddha, the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (U.I.W.B.A.H.), Hua Zang Si and Sanger Mission will jointly hold The Amitabha Buddha Dharma Assembly at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco on Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 9:30a.m.


During the Dharma assembly, we will recite sutras and chant the holy name of the Buddha. Merit will be dedicated to the attainment of world peace, happiness and harmony of all people. It is our sincere wish that all sentient beings gain rebirth in a Buddhist pure land.


All believers from the ten directions are welcome to join the Dharma assembly. This is a precious opportunity for sincere participants to increase their wisdom and fortune on the path to Bodhi.




阿彌陀佛  極樂教主  四八弘願  接引渡生


信願力行  莊嚴淨土  一心正念  九品超登


今恭逢阿彌陀佛聖誕,聯合國際世界佛教總部 (U.I.W.B.A.H.) 、華藏寺 (Hua Zang Si)、聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)謹訂於20121223   (星期日)上午930於舊金山華藏寺聯合啟建阿彌陀佛聖誕法會。是日將誦經念佛,並將法會功德迴向世界和平,人民安樂,所有有情皆能求生淨土。歡迎十方善信,踴躍參與,增福增慧,共證菩提。

Date 日期: 12/23/2012 (星期日) 9:30a.m.
Location 地點: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110


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To celebrate the holy birthday of Medicine Buddha who eradicates disasters and prolongs life spans of beings


Medicine Buddha, also called the Medicine Master, Tathagata of Vaidurya Light is the founder of the Eastern Paradise of Vaidurya which is an adorned land full of bliss. When Medicine Buddha practiced the Bodhisattva path in the past, he made 12 great vows to relieve the sufferings from sicknesses for living beings so they can develop the root of kindness which will lead them to liberation.

We are delighted that the holy birthday of the Medicine Master, Tathagatha of Vaidurya Light is approaching. On Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 9:30 a.m., a Medicine Buddha Dharma Assembly will be held in the Sakyamuni Buddha Hall at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. It will be jointly conducted by the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, Hua Zang Si and Sanger Mission.


We will recite respectfully The Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. The Lamps of Brightness for blessings will be lit and Meal Offerings to Buddhas will be practiced. It is our hope that the merit accrued from the dharma assembly will increase the good fortune and wisdom of all beings, eradicate their sicknesses and disasters, and purify their karmic hindrances. We will pray for world peace and safety of our country. We welcome all good believers in ten directions to the event and share the Dharma benefit.

Date: 10/28/2012 (Sun.) at 9:30a.m.
Location: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110




欣逢藥師瑠璃光如來聖誕,聯合國際世界佛教總部(U.I.W.B.A.H.)、華藏寺(Hua Zang Si)及聖格講堂(Sanger Mission)將於20121028(星期日)上午930,在舊金山華藏寺大雄寶殿聯合啟建藥師法會。屆時將恭頌《藥師瑠璃光如來本願功德經》,並將於大殿内設祈福光明燈,舉行佛前大供。祈望以此功德為眾生祈福增慧,消除病難,清淨業障,並祝禱世界和平,國泰民安。歡迎十方善信踴躍參與,共霑法益!

日期: 10/28/2012 (星期日) 上午9:30
地點: 3134 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

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千手觀音大壇法會在美國首修 天降甘露

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因此國際佛教僧尼總會將於 2012826日(星期日)上午9:30舊金山華藏寺,舉辦「大悲千手觀音大壇法會」,這是美國歷史上首次修的千手觀音大壇法,是依於正宗法義儀軌行持的。祈請千手觀音菩薩示現威神,降大吉祥,祝禱美國國運昌隆、國民安樂幸福,信眾福慧增長,萬事如意。



Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva

Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly

 International Buddhism Sangha Association upholds and practices the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Sakyamuni Buddha. The purpose of the Association is to benefit living beings with great compassion and selfless devotion, and to enhance the welfare of all beings.


This summer, the United States faces a historical drought, the proportions of which have not been seen in fifty-six years. In addition, there have been other natural disasters, such as tornadoes. All of this has caused a serious loss of both life and property. We are deeply grieved over this. Thus, we respectfully sought guidance from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as to what Buddhist practice we should undertake in response. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave the Association special instructions to hold a Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly to eliminate disasters and pray for the well-being of the United States.


The Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva is known as the kindest and most benevolent Bodhisattva and the lord who looks upon the world with great compassion. She takes on various forms in order to teach Buddha dharma to living beings. She helps those who call upon Her; She frees those from sufferings and benefits all sentient beings. There are legends about Her appearing in the images of Mother Mary, Mazu and many others. Among them, the depiction of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes is believed to have the most incredible power that brings salvation to living beings and turns hostility to peace.


The International Buddhism Sangha Association, therefore, will hold the Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly on Sunday, August 26, 2012 at9:30a.m. at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco. The Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Dharma will be practiced in accordance with orthodox rituals, which will be the first time in the U.S. history. We will beseech and invoke the Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva to descend to the mandala and bestow ultimate auspiciousness upon us. Prayers will be made for the prosperity of the United States of America, the happiness of her people, the increase of good fortune and wisdom of all believers, and the accomplishment of all aspirations.


All eminent monastics within Buddhism, seven types of disciples and people from all walks of life are cordially invited to attend this extraordinary and supreme Dharma Assembly which one rarely encounters in one’s lifetime. May we all receive the empowerment from the Buddhas and the benefits of the Dharma.


                                                                                                                                                                                   International Buddhism Sangha Association

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具有仁波且、法 師或阿闍黎身份者,可負責聞法上師資格考試的監考、閱卷及審批。在舉行了聞法上師考試以後,請將通過考試批准的聞法上師名單向國際佛教僧尼總會網絡申報(網絡連結將於近日發給各主考者)。

請 主考者向總會資料組查詢其監考編碼(,以便告知您所負責監考及審批通過的新聞法上師。


2012年新考取聞法上師資格者,請向主考的仁波且、法師或阿闍黎取得主考者監考編碼,自行向總會網路申報系統( 填 寫詳細資料,以便總會頒發聞法上師證書和袍裝。


若於2012年剛取得阿闍黎身份者,但尚未領取到證書及袍裝,在為行人舉行聞法上師考試時,請出示您向國際佛教僧尼總會於 網路申報阿闍黎身份並已取得該資格的確認單,以茲證明您已取得阿闍黎身份,可以為行人們舉行聞法上師資格考試。

Instructions for Online Registration:


To the Examiners:

All Acaryas, Rinpoches or Dharma Masters have the qualification to conduct, monitor, and evaluate the exam of the Master of Dharma-Listening Sessions (MDLS).  After the exam is completed, please submit the list of the MDLS who have passed the exam to the Association (the link for list submission will be sent to the examiners soon).

Every Examiner has an Examiner Number. To get your Examiner Number, please send the request to Please provide your Examiner Number to the new MDLS as they will need it to register online.

To the new Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions:

If you have passed the exam of MDLS in 2012, you may proceed to online registration at to turn in your pertinent personal information.  Please request the Examiner Number from the Rinpoche, Dharma Master or Acarya who has conducted the exam for you because the Examiner Number will be required upon your registration.  After the registration, the association will confer the MDLS certificates and robes.

To the new Acaryas:

If you have obtained the title of Acarya in 2012 and have not yet received your certificate and robe, please print out the confirmation letter of your new Acarya title, which you will receive/have received in your email from International Buddhism Sangha Association. The confirmation letter should be displayed at the exam as a proof of your qualification as an Examiner.


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